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Bine ai venit la Centrul de Excelență în Stomatologie
Atelierul de Dinți, din Vaslui
  • Luni - Vineri: 9:00 - 18:30 / Weekend - Inchis

Services 06

Services 06

Services at Our Clinic

Our clinic offers all kinds of services and constantly study new technology to add new custom services to the list

Am fost extrem de multumita de serviciile oferite de Atelierul de Dinti. Echipa a fost foarte amabila si a raspuns cu rabdare tuturor intrebarilor mele. Tratamentul a fost eficient si confortabil si am obtinut un zambet sanatos si frumos. Recomand cu incredere!

Alex Ardelean
Alex Ardelean

“Recomand! Medici foarte bine pregătiți care abordează fiecare pacient cu mult calm și empatie..”

Adrian Macsmiov
Adrian Macsmiov

“Am fost placut surprinsa de experienta mea la Atelierul de Dinti. Mi-am facut un tratament de albire dentara si am obtinut un zambet alb si stralucitor in doar o sedinta. Echipa a fost prietenoasa si profesionista si mi-a explicat tot procesul in detaliu. Recomand cu caldura!.”

Laura Popa
Laura Popa

“This theme embraces all the features, functions and theme options that I need. Personally highly recommend this them.”

Linda Choi
Linda Choi

“Their support was amazing. I encountered some problems with site customization on weekends, but they reach back really fast.”

Michael Davidson
Michael Davidson

Book an Appointment

Let us know your problem, make an appointment and receive the best advice from specialists in the field.

    Or call us now

    (+00) 123 567990

    Give us a call to ask for online advice or book a check-up schedule at Denteeth soon.