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Alimente surprinzătoare care sunt de fapt bune pentru dinții tăi

Alimente surprinzătoare care sunt de fapt bune pentru dinții tăi

Alimente surprinzătoare care sunt de fapt bune pentru dinții tăi

Everyone has heard of the foods that are bad to your tooth health. Sugary foods and acidic foods are on top of the list of foods to avoid. But instead of thinking negatively about foods, think positively. What foods are good for your teeth? Do any certain foods increase your dental health? Here are some food items that are not only tasty but improve your dental health too.

Salmon has a ton of Omega fatty acids, so it’s good for your body in general. But did you know it’s also good for your teeth, too? Salmon contains a significant level of vitamin D and calcium as well as those wonderful omega fatty acids. To have healthy teeth, you also need regular servings of vitamin D and calcium to keep your teeth healthy.

“ Celery is a treat for your teeth and gums because chewing the celery stalk gives your teeth a good workout. Because you have to chew celery stalks quite a bit before you can swallow them, your mouth produces plenty of saliva. ”

The calcium strengthens bones and teeth. And vitamin D enables the body to absorb the calcium you ingest adequately. So, adding a regular serving of salmon to your diet will benefit your overall body health.

Source: www.springfieldvirginiadentist.com

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Am fost extrem de multumita de serviciile oferite de Atelierul de Dinti. Echipa a fost foarte amabila si a raspuns cu rabdare tuturor intrebarilor mele. Tratamentul a fost eficient si confortabil si am obtinut un zambet sanatos si frumos. Recomand cu incredere!

Alex Ardelean
Alex Ardelean

“Recomand! Medici foarte bine pregătiți care abordează fiecare pacient cu mult calm și empatie..”

Adrian Macsmiov
Adrian Macsmiov

“Am fost placut surprinsa de experienta mea la Atelierul de Dinti. Mi-am facut un tratament de albire dentara si am obtinut un zambet alb si stralucitor in doar o sedinta. Echipa a fost prietenoasa si profesionista si mi-a explicat tot procesul in detaliu. Recomand cu caldura!.”

Laura Popa
Laura Popa